2-day Practical Performance Class
(This is the flagship class)
Space allowing, we will set up a full stage, for students to run through at the beginning of class. The stage will include a number of elements such as entries and exits, opportunities to shoot on the move, awkward positions, close and far targets, and high risk arrays. This first run through will be an assessment tool, helping the instructor to figure out your shooting style and where improvements can be made. Throughout the class we will occasionally revisit this stage, and use parts of it to isolate and develop skills, and set up drills.
Classes consist of 10-14 students, and are two days long. Classes are focused on the practical shooting skills that will help you more confidently plan, tackle, and shave time from your performance with a pistol. While this class does contain some advanced fundamentals, the class is dynamic and stage oriented. The class also includes a day of “firing line” type fundamentals training, however we wont burn through ammo like a regular class. Therefore, the round counts are bit lower than what you might have seen at traditional 2-day classes in the past – we will make them count. I am a firm believer that when it comes to proper practice, quality is much more important than quantity, so this class will also cover principles of efficient practice, and how to structure your practices to identify and address your weaknesses. Students should plan on bringing a lunch.
In addition, we'll be covering:
Day 1
1. Assessment of current skill of students
2. Group shooting and untimed accuracy
3. Concepts of grip/hand placement and position on the pistol and applied pressures
4. Understanding sight management
5. Diagnosing grip and triggering issues
6. One handed SHO/WHO shooting concepts
7. Dry fire skills and techniques for improvement
8. Managing mental and emotional pressure
9. Sight deviation and sight anchoring (what it is and it's advantage of accuracy at speed)
10. Shot calling (understanding and mastery)
Day 2
1. Multiple targets and transitions (building efficiency)
2. Throttle control and its application
3. Entries/Exits
4. Importance of having gun up ready to shoot ALWAYS
5. Barrel Drill
6. Stage planning (visualization, self talk)
7. Stage shooting and performance improvement and evaluation
Equipment needed:
700 rounds ammunition
Reliable pistol (consider a back up pistol as well)
At least 3 magazines
Holster and mag pouches
Safety equipment (eye protection/hearing protection)
Range bag/gear needed for a day at the range
Relevant weather related gear (rain gear, umbrella, sunscreen, hat, jacket, gloves, etc...prepare for any weather)
Class cost: $550 per student (+applicable range fees/ consumables-targets, pasters, water, etc.)

1-Day Handgun Diagnostics and Foundation
Looking for an intensive, improvement-focused class with minimal range equipment requirements? This class is for you! We’ll dive deep into the analysis of your own handgun skills, and teach YOU to identify, diagnose, and correct inefficiencies as you see them. With a heavy emphasis on building strong foundations for skill and accuracy, we’ll also address common myths and misconceptions that may be keeping you from achievable improvement.
1. Assessment of current skill level
2. Group shooting and untimed accuracy
3. Concepts of grip/hand placement on the pistol and applied pressures
4. Understanding sight management
5. Diagnosing grip and triggering issues
6. One handed shooting concepts
7. Dry fire skills and techniques for improvement
8. Managing mental and emotional pressure
9. Sight deviation and sight anchoring (what it is and it’s advantage of accuracy at speed)
10. Shot calling (understanding and mastery)
11. Multiple targets and transitions
12. Throttle control and its application
Required Equipment:
300rds ammunition
Reliable pistol
At least 3 magazines
Holster and mag pouches
Safety equipment (Eye pro/Hearing pro)
Range bag/gear needed for a day at range
Proper weather gear (rain gear, umbrella, sunscreen, hat, jacket, gloves, etc…prepare for any weather)
Cost $350/student (+applicable range fees/consumables)
10 - 16 students

3- Day Instructor Diagnostics and Development Course
Limited to currently practicing or aspiring handgun instructors, this extended, in-depth class is designed to develop and improve your coaching skills. We drill deep into the minutiae of both visual and hands-on diagnostics, and work together to develop problem-solving strategies. Students will evaluate common techniques, and analyze some misunderstood and institutionalized techniques, to determine their effectiveness in modern pistol shooting. This is a psychologically exhausting class, that will push your attention-to-detail and observational skills to the breaking point.
We’ll cover topics in-depth such as:
1. Mental strategies to overcome fear, anticipation and performance anxiety
2. Skill assessment of students (what to look for and prioritize for their success)
3. Concepts of hand placement, application of grip pressures, and their effects on accuracy
4. Tactile and visual diagnostics of shooter inputs
5. Hands-on trigger isolation and grip isolation techniques
6. Aiming concepts and sight management
7. Handgun zeroing and how it affects point of impact at varying distances
8. Sight deviation and sight management
9. Aiming methods and solutions to common problems and misconceptions
10. Introduction and mastery of shot calling
11. Multiple target transitions
12. Understanding throttle control
13. Dry fire and live fire relevance
14. Differentiating diagnostic drills and performance drills
15. Structure of training/curriculum for meaningful progression and success
16. Concepts and coaching of movement with a pistol
17. Common errors, how to spot them, and how to convey meaningful and sensible solutions
18. Skill progression, and how it really works
19. Diagnostic workshop and mutual coaching amongst students
Required Equipment:
700 rounds of ammo
Reliable pistol
At least 3 magazines
Belt with quality holster and mag pouches
Safety equipment (Eye pro/Hearing pro)
Range bag/gear needed for a day at range
Relevant weather related gear (rain gear, umbrella, sunscreen, hat, jacket, gloves, etc…prepare for any weather)
Class cost: $800 per student (+applicable range fees/ consumables-targets, pasters, water, etc.)
This curriculum is designed for 6 students to 12 students (+1 for class host for total of 13)

1-Day Practice with Purpose Workshop
Every competitive shooter has wondered at least once. I know what I’m supposed to do, but how do I get there? I have a mountain of problems, and just knowing I have them isn’t getting me anywhere – where do I start? Why does improvement feel IMPOSSIBLE right now? I took XXX's class, and there was so much information... but how do I USE it?
This is a collaborative class between Tim Herron and AJ Zito, built entirely around one concept:
Showing you how to practice.
We can give you the knowledge, but at the end of the day YOU have to make you better, and we will show you how.
The first step is learning how to focus your time, energy, and ammunition the most effectively. Suitable for any level of shooter, the Practice with Purpose workshop is designed to help you recognize areas of potential, and build practice routines for targeted, purposeful improvement. We’ll cover the importance of keeping a practice log, regimenting your practice, and analyzing your practice data. Practice doesn’t have to be ammo intensive – we’ll discuss which skills can be improved with dry-fire, and how to use live-fire validation to verify the results of your practice. Students will learn the difference between performance and diagnostic drills, and progress to learning how to break down and convert those drills into practice tools. This is the class that’s going to bridge the gap between your knowledge, and your performance.
Topics Covered
1. Safety
2. Fundamentals of performance shooting
3. Setting and using metrics
4. Effective Shot Calling
5. Performance Tracking
6. Validating your practice
7. Dry fire/live fire integration
Required Equipment
Notebook, writing utensil
Reliable handgun
At least 3 magazines/speed loaders (more for lo-cap)
Quality holster, fitted to your firearm
At least 2 mag/speed loader pouches
300 rds reliable ammunition
A belt suitable to carry your handgun and ammunition
Eye protection (ANSI rated)
Hearing Protection
Class Price $375 (plus applicable range fees/consumables)

2-Day Train for Mastery
Building upon the “Practice with Purpose” curriculum, Train for Mastery is an extended class, designed to teach you how to practice effectively, and train towards a high-level shooting goal. In addition to all topics covered in the 1-day “Practice with Purpose” class, students will also learn about advanced movement and exercises, building their own effective drills from match data, more in-depth analysis of their practice logs, and advanced drill and exercise breakdown techniques. Fast-paced and very intensive, students should come prepared to take lots of notes, and watch their practice routines change drastically and – hopefully – for the better.
Topics Covered
1. Safety
2. Fundamentals of performance shooting
3. Setting and using metrics
4. Effective Shot Calling
5. Performance Tracking
6. Validating your practice
7. Dry fire/live fire integration
8. Advanced movement/exercises
9. Building your own drills
10. In-depth practice log analysis
11. Stage breakdowns
12. Building practice strategies from stages
13. Creating and maintaining an effective practice journal
Required Equipment
Notebook, writing utensil
Reliable handgun
At least 3 magazines/speed loaders (more for lo-cap)
Quality holster, fitted to your firearm
At least 2 mag/speed loader pouches
600 rds reliable ammunition
A belt suitable to carry your handgun and ammunition
Eye protection (ANSI rated)
Hearing Protection
This is a collaborative class between Tim Herron and AJ Zito, built entirely around one concept:
Showing you how to practice.
Class Price $650 (plus applicable range fees/consumables)

Round Counts: The round counts provided are SAFE ESTIMATES. You may not shoot all of them. If you want to bring twice as many, that's up to you. If you can only afford to bring half as much, give me a heads up and we'll adjust accordingly.
Equipment: Please, please, PLEASE make sure you have working, proven equipment, ammunition that runs, spare batteries (if you have an optic), and a backup if you think you'll need it. Malfunctions and consistent issues hinder your ability to learn, and you'll be wasting good money on a learning experience that's punctuated by gun or ammo problems. I hate to see students lose out on knowledge and training because of equipment issues. I cannot stress enough - I want you to get the most out of any class that you can - please make sure your equipment is running, zeroed, and proven.
Sustainment: You can't live without water, it's probably a fact. There’s a huge mental component to shooting. Please bring enough water and food to keep you and your brain going.
To discuss scheduling a custom clinic you can either use our contact form, message me on Instagram or Facebook, or email me at info@timherronshooting.com! I'll look forward to training with you!