Can't scrounge 10-12 friends together to fill a class? Don't worry!
Small clinics are available, and offer a more personalized, intensive training block. Clinics contain 4-5 people, and can be a half day or full day long. Clinics enable me to provide you with extremely personal, detailed coaching that is tailored to a persons individual needs, and smaller groups always mean more range time!
Due to the custom nature of mini-clinics, there is NO set curriculum. The training path will be determined by your own abilities, performance, and improvement goals. Clinic curriculums are very flexible, and usually determined based upon the needs of the participants. If any students have specific areas they'd like to improve, the class can easily be tailored to accommodate.
I offer both custom mini-clinics, and “Special Clinics” which are specialty or purpose-driven clinics.
Check further down the page to see my Special Clinic Offerings!

Custom Clinics
Custom Mini Clinic
Description: An intimate, custom clinic tailored to each of the participants. Low numbers ensure individual attention and a positive learning experience. This clinic covers the practical aspects of competitive shooting, and revolves around stage performance. Due to the individualized nature of this clinic, the curriculum is entirely custom, and designed around the needs of the group.
Half-Day Custom Mini-Clinic (300 rounds) - $200*
All-Day Custom Mini-Clinic (600 rounds) - $400*
*Base fee per student - this does not include any range or material fees necessary for the class, your class organizer will let you know if these apply.
Half Day Classifier Skills Clinic (400 rounds) - $250*
Description: This 4-hour clinic focuses on skills and tactics that help improve a students classifier performance. Are you shooting on a b-class level but your classifiers don’t reflect that? Lets get that fixed. Classifiers often require skills which we tend to ignore, because they don’t benefit us greatly during practical courses. Lets isolate and improve those classifier skills, and start classifying where we’re shooting!
*Base fee per student - this does not include any range or material fees necessary for the class, your class organizer will let you know if these apply.

All Day Match Clinic (400 rounds**) - $400*
Description: This is a unique experience which combines training with an actual match experience. This class is designed to help overcome the gap that sometimes occurs between your training and your actual match performance, and is essential in helping to identify and correct those habits that only seem to occur “on the clock.” Here’s how it’ll go:
In this specialized small group class, we zero in on student discussed deficiencies that are holding them back from realizing their true potential:
1.Shoot stage/s to assess and identify strengths and deficiencies of students
2.Stage breakdown and things to analyze for max efficiency (counting steps/measuring distance, reducing transition distances, maximizing points, are you crossing paths/arrays multiple times), tips for memory stages
3.Maximizing position entries and exits
4.Confidence on difficult targets (where to aim, what to look for)
5.Transitions and throttle control
6.Diagnosis: grip deficiencies, visual patience, shot calling, movement (Why do we miss? Why didn’t we see it? Why am I overrunning positions?
7.Understanding balance of accuracy/points/speed
8.How to take stage/match fragments and turn them into purposeful practice drills
This class is for shooters/students that have a pretty firm grasp on shooting fundamentals and are looking to improve their stage/match performance with in-depth analysis and understanding of the smaller considerations often overlooked.
There is a lot of exploration and experimentation from the group to answer questions to discover what works and why.
Equipment needed:
400rds ammunition
Reliable pistol
At least 3 magazines
Holster and mag pouches
Safety equipment (Eye pro/Hearing pro)
Range bag/gear needed for a day at range
Relevant weather related gear (rain gear, umbrella, sunscreen, hat, jacket, gloves, etc…prepare for any weather)
8 students maximum/ 6 students minimum
This is a looooong day. Bring your a-game, food, water, a good attitude (optional), and note taking equipment.
*Base fee per student - this does not include any range or material fees necessary for the class, your class organizer will let you know if these apply.
**This reflects the number of rounds required for the learning portion – make sure to also bring enough ammunition for the match.

2-hr “BOOST” Clinic (100 rounds)
Description: This clinic is available only in conjunction with a scheduled Practical Performance Class. It’s extremely important to me that each student has a valuable and productive learning experience. Sometimes newer shooters feel intimidated by the thought of taking large classes with higher level shooters, or perhaps aren’t sure their skills are quite sharp enough to keep up. This clinic is designed for those shooters. This clinic will occur the evening before a scheduled class, is limited to 4 shooters, and will hone fundamentals, iron out confidence issues, and help prepare a timid or lower level shooter for a class which may contain higher level concepts. Offered at a highly discounted price for students who are also participating in the class, I highly recommend it for students who feel that they may struggle, or are worried that they might not be quite ready for a class. Lets get those skills boosted!

Round Counts: The round counts provided are SAFE ESTIMATES. You may not shoot all of them. If you want to bring twice as many, that's up to you. If you can only afford to bring half as much, give me a heads up and we'll adjust accordingly.
Equipment: Please, please, PLEASE make sure you have working, proven equipment, ammunition that runs, spare batteries (if you have an optic), and a backup if you think you'll need it. Malfunctions and consistent issues hinder your ability to learn, and you'll be wasting good money on a learning experience that's punctuated by gun or ammo problems. I hate to see students lose out on knowledge and training because of equipment issues. I cannot stress enough - I want you to get the most out of any class that you can - please make sure your equipment is running, zeroed, and proven.
Sustainment: You can't live without water, it's probably a fact. There’s a huge mental component to shooting. Please bring enough water and food to keep you and your brain going.
To discuss scheduling a custom clinic you can either use our contact form, message me on Instagram or Facebook, or email me at info@timherronshooting.com! I'll look forward to training with you!